A palindrome is born

I have a new niece named Hannah, born only this week, and in honor of her palindromic name I have written an entire palindromic story. Actually I wrote it some time ago, but this gives me a good opportunity to dust it off and toast the new addition to the family. Here’s a bonus Hannah-based palindrome: Did Hannah say as Hannah did? Pretty cool, huh? I have to admit that I found that one over yonder at Jim Kalb’s Palindrome Connection, a.k.a. palindromes.org. While you’re there, you can check out the helpful advice for French movie stars (“Depardieu, go razz a rogue I draped”) as well as the philosophical question “Do geese see god?” (answer: yes, but it’s a sort of goose god).

Nevertheless, you haven’t seen anything (anything palindromic, that is) until you’ve seen my 100% palindromic story, Mr. Nym Goes Adventuring. I have a daughter on the way, and I’m thinking of naming her Yellug so she can be Yellug Gulley. With a name like that, won’t she just be the coolest kid in third grade? How I envy her, so fortunate in her choice of father.

6 thoughts on “A palindrome is born”

  1. did i tell you that we spent our honeymoon in myrtle beach at a b and b owned by leon noel? how about that? your mom

  2. Not bad! Here’s another good one from real life. In Yreka, California there was a bakery (I went there!) called the… Yreka Bakery. Next door there was an art gallery called the… Yrella Gallery. Inside the gallery was medicine cabinet with a single bottle of painkiller containing exactly one pill: lonely Tylenol. But seriously folks, the gallery and the bakery DID exist, though my latest research indicates that they have gone out of business. O no! This leads me to the best new palindrome I’ve run across: Aibohphobia, the fear of palindromes. And it’s not nearly as widespread as it ought to be.

  3. I’m cristina from Spain. on 27th January 2003 My niece was born in London and She is called Hannah too.Was then when I heard about palindrome names. Anybody knows a boy’s one?
    Thank you.

  4. My son’s enjoyed the movie “Holes” in which the main character was Stanley Yelnats, another palindromic name.

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